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How to use Cross-Posting in Page Directories Plugin?

Crossposting is a way to share status feed across multiple Pages. Crossposting can only happen between Pages that have added each other.

Video Tutorial

Steps to use Cross-Posting in Page Directories plugin:

  1. In the Admin panel, Go to Member Level Settings.
  2. Enable “Enable Crossposting in Pages”.
  3. Go to View page, Select settings icon and go to Dashboard.
  4. Go to Manage Page and Select “Cross Post”.
  5. You see an option “Add Pages to Crosspost”.
  6. Select the page you want to add for Crossposting.
  7. An Notification goes to that Page owner.
  8. Lets State he approves the request.
  9. Now, Go to your page and add any post.
  10. The post added to the Page will be automatically published to that Page.