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If you want to see all the Classrooms & Courses created by you, then follow the below steps:

1. In Main Navigation Menu of this Plugin, click on “My Account” menu.

2. Here, you will find two separate sections called “My Classrooms” & “My Courses”.

3. In “My Classrooms” section, you will find all the Classrooms created by you based on the different criteria such as Recently Created, Most Liked, Most Commented, Most Viewed, Most Favorited, Most Joined, Most Followed etc.

4. In “My Courses” section, you will find all the Courses created by you based on various criteria such as Most Lectures, This Week, This Month, Recently Created, Most Viewed, Most Liked, Most Commented, Most Rated, Most Favourite, Featured, Sponsored, Verified etc.

5. You can edit any of the Classroom / Course created by you as per your choice by going to their view page.