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How to get started with " Member Verification via KYC Documents Plugin"?

In a world where anyone can create an online account, it can be difficult to know for sure whether the social media accounts we interact with as consumers and businesses today are authentic or not? Being verified on social media is something that everyone wants, yet very few ever see that mysterious blue tick show up on their account, so it can be a big deal. There can be many ways of verifying members on your website, among which verification via document is one which seems to be more secure & appropriate.


With the help of Member Verification via KYC Documents Plugin, you can verify website members on the basis of document which will decide their real existence and help you to gain instant credibility that you can use to build your personal brand and expertise. Documents can be uploaded by the users at the time of Signup or after Signup from Profile Settings section. Admin have the right to approve / reject the uploaded documents from the admin panel. Also admin can add multiple “Document Types” among which users can choose any at the time of document upload.


Please read more about this Plugin here:

Watch demo here:


This tutorial will walk you through the steps you need to follow to install the Member Verification via KYC Documents Plugin on your website.

** This tutorial assumes that you are already logged in to the Admin Panel.


Installation and Setup of this plugin is very easy, but if you still need our expert to install this plugin for you, then you can purchase the service from here:

Video Tutorial: With the written tutorial, we have created a video which will help you to setup and configure this plugin easily. Watch the video below:



 Steps to Install & Setup Member Verification via KYC Documents Plugin

1. Installation of Member Verification via KYC Documents Plugin

In the Main menu, click on the tab Manage and select “Packages & Plugins”.


2. Please read the tutorial on installing plugins in SES here:


3. After the successful installation of plugin as in Step 2 above, go to “Plugins” dropdown in the Main menu and select SES - Member Verification via KYC Documents Plugin”.


4. Go to the Global Settings

From here, you can configure various settings for this Plugin such as enable / disable Document Type Selection Mandatory, Choose Document Extensions which you want to enable for your users while uploading documents, Approve Members etc.


5. Manage Documents

This section will list all the documents uploaded by the user and have sent to the site admin to get verified. Admin can approve / reject, preview documents for each user separately. Also if any user is unapproved and have uploaded document, then site admin can approve member & verify document at the same time from this section. All the documents are easily searchable with the help of search box under this section.

6. Document Types

Site Admin is allowed to add as many document types for the documents as he want from this section. Also admin can edit/delete these documents whenever required.


7. Help & Support

If you have any query or doubt about uploading documents or verifying the documents of the users with this plugin, then you can refer to this page. This page will help you out with all the Queries regarding verifying documents on your website with the help of Product Description, Screenshots, FAQs, Video etc.

 Great! You have completed the installation and setup of this plugin now and your users will be able to upload documents at the time of signup & after signup and can get verified on your website.


Installation of this plugin is very easy, but if you still need our expert to install this plugin for you, then you can purchase the service from here: