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Do you want to display the member profile URLs on your website according to your site’s concept like or just display the username after site’s domain name like If your answer is Yes, then this plugin will surely help you.
This plugin has the capability to enable you to choose the Custom URL slug or Short URL based on Member Levels on your website. This can be very helpful, as users will now can have their own memorable short URLs and even custom URLs based on their member levels.
You no longer need to have long profile URLs on your website.
Please read more about this Plugin here:
This tutorial will walk you through steps you need to follow to install the Custom & Short Member Profile URLs Plugin on your website.
** This tutorial assumes that you are already logged in to the Admin Panel.
Installation and Setup of this plugin is very easy, but if you still need our expert to install this plugin for you, then you can purchase the service from here:
In the Main menu, click on the tab Manage and select “Packages & Plugins”.
Activate this plugin from Global Settings section of this plugin. In this section, you can select short/custom URLs changed globally or member level based, Enable Short / Custom URL and if you choose it custom then write its slug also in Custom URL for "profile".
These are the settings which are based on the different member levels configured by the admin of the site. These settings are same as Global Settings, if you choose Member Level Based in Global Settings.
Great! You have completed the installation and setup of this plugin and now you are able to see the short/custom urls.
Installation of this plugin is very easy, but if you still need our expert to install this plugin for you, then you can purchase the service from here:
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