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How to get started with Testimonial Showcase Plugin?

Testimonial Showcase is the Best Testimonial Showcase Plugin for SocialEngine website with unique 5 display designs including various Widgets, View page, Carousel Slider, Star Rating System, Designation, Long and Short Testimonial, Title and everything is admin configurable.

Using this plugin, you can have attractive and informative testimonial showcase on your website with Responsive Layout and customized according to your requirements.

Since Testimonials are very important for your potential customers, it is also important that testimonials are displayed effectively on your website.

Please read more about this Plugin here:  Testimonial Showcase Plugin


Watch demo here:

This tutorial will walk you through steps you need to follow to install the Testimonial Showcase Plugin on your website.

** This tutorial assumes that you are already logged in to the Admin Panel.


Installation and Setup of this plugin is very easy, but if you still need our expert to install this plugin for you, then you can purchase the service from here:

Video Tutorial: With the written tutorial, we have created a video which will help you to setup and configure this plugin easily. Watch the below video:


Steps to Install & Setup Testimonial Showcase Plugin

1. Installation of Testimonial Showcase Plugin

In the Main menu, click on the tab Manage and select “Packages & Plugins”.


2. Please read the tutorial on installing plugins in SES here:

3. After the successful installation of plugin as in Step 2 above, go to “Plugins” dropdown in the Main menu and select “SES - Testimonial Showcase Plugin”.


4. Go to the Global Settings:

Activate the plugin from Global Settings section of this plugin.

These Settings affect all members in your community. You can configure various settings for the testimonials from this section such as Singular and Plural text for testimonial, Singular & Plural text for URL, Enable Title, Long Description, Enable Designation, Enable ratings and helpful.


5. Manage Testimonials:

From this section, you can see all testimonials created by you and your site members with their details. You can also disapprove or Delete any Testimonial if required.


6.  Member Level Settings:

These settings are applied on a per member level basis. Start by selecting the member level you want to modify, then adjust the settings for that level from this section. You can enable various settings such as Allow Viewing of Testimonials, Creation of Testimonials, Editing of Testimonials, Deletion of Testimonials, Commenting on Testimonials, Allow to auto approve testimonials, Allow to select testimonial as helpful etc.


7. Widgetized Pages:

This section lists all the Widgetized Pages of this plugin. You can easily go to particular widgetized page in "Layout Editor" by clicking on "Widgetized Page" link. The user side link of the page can be viewed by clicking on "User Page" in this section.


8. Help:

You can send Newsletter and stay updated. Also if you require any additional help regarding this Plugin then you can use this section.


9. Layout Editor:

Layout Editor is the only place for our SES Products where you can place various widgets for your pages and configure those widgets according to your requirement as well.

There are certain pages for this plugin which are categorized as “SES - Testimonial Showcase Plugin - PAGE_NAME” in which you can place any widget that are also categorized as “SES - Testimonial Showcase Plugin - WIDGET_NAME” format.


Great! You have completed the installation and setup of this plugin now and you are able to create Testimonials on your website.


Installation of this plugin is very easy, but if you still need our expert to install this plugin for you, then you can purchase the service from here: