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From where can I add New package for Advertisements in Community Advertisements Plugin?

If you want to add New Package for Your Advertisements and allow people to create new Ads in it, then you can follow these easy steps:


  1. In Admin Panel, Go to ‘Manage Ads Packages’ Section.
  2. Here you can create two types of Packages: Paid Package or Free Package.
  3. If you want to create new Package, then Click on ‘Add Plan’ link on this page.
  4. After that ‘Create Ads Package Plan’ Page will get appeared where you can create New Package by filling up the details such as Title, Description, Package Type, Ad Type, Billing Cycle, Billing Duration, Price(If any), Ad count etc. which are mandatory to mention for the Package creation.
  5. After that Click on ‘Create Plan’ Button.
  6. Please note that payment parameters (Price, Recurrence, Duration, Trial Duration) cannot be edited after creation. If you wish to change these, you will have to create a new plan and disable the current one.
  7. Package which you have created will get displayed with other existing Packages at the Choose Package Page  when user wants to create new ADs on your Website.
  8. You can Edit those packages as well from Admin Panel.